Meet Love Labour Hypnobirthing
The birth of your baby should be something that you are excited about, rather than something you are fearful of. With a Love Labour Hypnobirthing course you will feel prepared, empowered and ready to take on your journey from pregnancy to parenthood.
I promise I have no intentions of hypnotising you to make you cluck like a chicken as you may imagine! Together we will address your fears, discuss the role of your birth partner, and go over the stages of labour and how to make it a much more positive experience. You will also learn relaxation, visualisation, and breathing techniques to make your birth experience as calm and comfortable as possible.
The Love Labour Hypnobirthing course is a full antenatal program, so you won’t need to take any other pregnancy class. Hypnobirthing is for all types of birth, so whether you’re planning a very natural birth, a water birth, caesarean, induction, medicated birth, or a heavily monitored ‘high-risk’ birth, these classes are for you.
Group hypnobirthing classes currently run in Healing Time, Birkenhead on weekends. If you can’t make the dates listed, a 1:1 hypnobirthing course can be booked at a date and time to suit you. Areas covered include the Wirral, Cheshire and Liverpool but do get in touch even if you’re from further afield!

A Bit About Me
Sarah - The Creator of Love Labour Hypnobirthing
I found out I was pregnant with my first baby the day before the COVID-19 lockdown, so whilst feeling the usual anxieties of a newly expectant mother, I had a global pandemic to worry about! I was so happy and excited, but equally absolutely terrified, especially when it came to actually having to give birth. I do believe that most mums-to-be, especially first time mums, will relate to these feelings.
I was so pleased to stumble upon hypnobirthing and my whole perception was changed! Instead of feeling scared, unprepared, and wanting to bury my head in the sand, I felt so calm, confident, and ready to give birth. When labour started, my main feeling was excitement which I know would not have been the case if I had not done hypnobirthing.
When I became pregnant for the second time, I knew straight away what to do and was able to start practicing my relaxations and breathing techniques from the very start of my pregnancy. Both of my births were incredible water births, with gas and air to keep me company, as well as fantastic midwives (and my partner of course!)
I was so amazed by this transformation in my mindset, that a few months after giving birth the second time, I completed my hypnobirthing teacher training with KGHypnobirthing. I wanted everyone out there to know about the wonders of hypnobirthing!
When I’m not teaching, I work as a Bloom baby class leader, and as if that isn’t enough, I also own The Baby Fayre Merseyside, where I will organise regular events with small, local businesses relating to pregnancy, babies, and the early years!
Your Dependable Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Specialist

Hypnobirthing taster sessions
What will we cover on a KGHypnobirthing taster course?
The physiology of birth and stages of labour / The importance of the birth partner – giving them specific roles to help you and your baby / Types of pain relief / Simple but truly effective breathing techniques / The 5Cs of hypnobirthing - confidence, control, choice, calm, comfort. / An overview of what you will receive and what we cover in the group courses.
Book on to a group course after, and receive a discount code for £20 off

Hypnobirthing and Antenatal Group Course
What's covered?
Course outline / Worries and what you want to achieve / Hypnotherapy and hypnobirthing - what is it? / How the mind works / The science behind hypnobirthing / Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems / The effect of being observed / Practice relaxations / The muscles of the uterus
Breathing techniques / Practice relaxations / A more empowered birth / Your pelvic floor / Perineal massage / Preventing tearing / Back to back babies / Breech babies / C-section / Birth positions / Books and resources to support you
The roles of midwives and obstetricians / Empowering questions for your caregivers / BRAINs acronym (Benefit, Risk, Alternatives, Implications/Interventions, Nothing) / Taking responsibility for your birth / Due dates / Dealing with pressure and stress / Sweeps / Inducing labour more naturally / NICE guidelines on induction of labour / Confidence and positivity / The onset of labour / Comfort measures
Birth statistics /Birth partners and their role / Birth place options / Stages of labour / Relaxation and breathing techniques / What to pack in your hospital bag / How to make your environment more comfortable / WHO guidelines / The golden hour / Your birth plan

Hypnobirthing and Antenatal 1:1 Course
If you need something more personalized for your specific circumstances, or just don’t enjoy group learning environments, let me know and I’ll come up with a bespoke service just for you. We will cover the same topics as we have on our group course, but it can be even more tailored to yourself and your situation. I will cover all of the Wirral, as well as parts of Cheshire and Liverpool.

Birth Plan Support Sessions
I am offering 1:1 sessions to explore your options and preferences for your birth.
Although you cannot plan every aspect of your birth, you can explore your individual options. Having a solid birth plan helps you and your partner to make decisions on the day of your baby’s birth with ease. Knowing your options will help you to achieve a more positive birth experience and enable good communication between you and your caregivers.
During this 2-hour session we’ll explore your options and preferences for each stage of labour, including your:
Birth place
Birth environment
Support from birth partners and caregivers
Comfort measures
Possible interventions
The Golden Hour
Contact me today for more details about the services I offer.
@lovelabour_hypobirthing on Instagram
Q & A
What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a method of managing pain and anxiety during childbirth, involving various therapeutic relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and visualisation. It is centred on releasing fear and building confidence in the natural process of birth through practising relaxation techniques. It focuses strongly on being well informed so you can make the best choices about your care.
What are the benefits?
- You are likely to experience a more comfortable and sometimes pain free birth.
- Your baby will arrive to a serene and relaxed environment, alert and ready to bond with you as nature intended.
- Length of labour is often much shorter.
- Less drugs and medical intervention are used in Hypnobirthing births allowing your baby to develop naturally and easily after they arrive.
- Mums often bounce back quicker after birth as the physical impact of giving birth is reduced.
- Your birth partner will learn how to support you and have a central and active role in the birth. A truly shared and loving experience.
What course materials am I given?
Before the course you will be sent 'Colour & Calmness', the pregnancy and birth relaxation CD or MP3, so you can start to practice and develop a positive outlook on pregnancy and birth straight away.
At the course you will be given The Hypnobirthing Book and a folder of handouts to support you during the rest of your pregnancy and the birth of your baby.
Do I need to bring my birth partner?
They don’t have to, but they will be very glad if they do. Most birth partners arrive at the course utterly sceptical and leave extremely enthusiastic. We don’t expect you to believe in it. Why should you? We do ask you to listen to the facts and the logic so you understand how important it is and the difference you as a birth companion can make.
A hypnobirthing birth partner will be knowledgeable and able to support you as you give birth. They are a huge asset in the birthing room, and many mothers say, ‘I couldn’t have done it without them.’ They have practised together before the birth which brings them closer together, and they know they have played an important part in how the baby enters the world. For couples in a relationship, this deepens their connection as a couple, as well as their bond with their child.